Nagasaki Videos

Nagasaki Fireball

Nagasaki Fireball

This video clip shows Nagasaki fireball and early mushroom cloud as seen from an observation plane.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 1.1 MBytes)

Nagasaki Mushroom Cloud

Nagasaki Mushroom Cloud

This video clip shows the later Nagasaki mushroom cloud as seen from an observation plane.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 949k)

Aerial View of Nagasaki

Aerial Overview of Nagasaki

An aerial survey of Nagasaki after the atomic blast.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 1.3 MBytes)


Note: These videos are taken from the film The Atom Strikes, by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. This film is of historic interest and does not necessarily represent the policy or plans of the creating agency.